Kamis, 20 September 2012

list of hot gintama male character part 1

20. tojou ayumu
one of 4 knight  or something of yagyu. personally he reminds me of shoyo sensei. he is abit stupid, lolicon, and kyuubeicon. a bit overprotective of kyuubei to the point where we think he is idiot.
well if you minus his attitude you will see that he is quite handsome.


19.Hashida kantarou.
only appear at beginning of season 2 as background character .heir billgates in gintama world but has a poor health. because of hi poor health his father became overprotective to him. being confine for his life he decided to elope, but his health is getting worse and die.as he is  he is notable for his silver and perm hair. and somehow got his kid to be think as gintoki son.

18. Itou Kamotarou
genius guy who yells for being accepted. he is just like fish. he yearns for affection and acceptance without realizing that all of shinsengumi member consider him as family.,since he realized it when he is dying. 

 17. Haga
Good looking man whois a prosecutor that some how lose  trial againts madao. and somehow has affection with hatsu.

16.no 502
an android that once tried invade  edo, but bet his ass kicked by yorozuya, oldman gengai and tama. he is originally professor mrguro who wants to revive his daughter fuyou. but somehow lose his way.

15. shougun/ tokugawa shige shige
the current shogun or head of bakufu. he has totally old style compare to other characters, just see his old hairstyle and clothes. as a leader he is dedicated to work to the point he wants to try from other point of view. Somehow he alwys end up near yorozuya ginchan and shit happens, from gettting haircut , shogun game, and lost when skiing  .

intelligent of shinsen gumi, he is always became the eye and ear of shinsen gumi, though some how he is sometimes doing idiotic things. he is also like badminton to the point he can do match at the same level as echizen  at tennis.

13.ketsuno seimei
No 1 onmyouji at edo head of seimei clan, he is said to be a genius that born 1000 years once to the point he can control thousands shikigami. his ability, intelligent, and leadership was very good, exept he is a siscon.

 12.Sakamoto Tatsume
taken from real person( japan historical figure) he has his own fame even outside gintama, in the series he is old companion of gintama with takasugi and katsura. after the war ended he goes to space and became merchant. he is always chase woman, drunk, and spell gintoki name into kintoki.

11.Shimura shinpachi
member of yorozuya shimura shinpachi,and leader of tsu terakado the big fan club if otsu.he is a very normal average teenage and play as the straight character in the series. though seems to be unreliable but at certin point he can be reliable and strong.

picture credit:Gintama wikia.com