Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Top 20 Hottest Gintama Female Character part 1

Gintama is one of the long run series in  both anime and manga. And I have to admit it is in my top list favorite anime, I bet some of you like it so much as I do. There is many reason for making gintama as my favorite anime. one of it is the story that revolve not only around the main protagonist. With this many characters come in gintama And below is my favorite female character list.

so we start with kuzunoha. if you guys don't know who is she.She is seimei shikigami. if I'm not mistaken her appereance is during the ketsuno ana arc, when she treats gintoki that unconscious for losing his man berries. judging from her upper ear( since if you notice she got four ears) , she is a fox presumably nine tail fox. neverthless I thinks she is interesting even if she just appeared in one arc for that I gave her place of 20th.

19.matsudaira kuriko
devoted and blindly in love woman is the phrase for describing her. she is the daughter of matsudaira ken the god of destruction. if you remember it she has been fall in love with two guys in this series, first is , lets just say mr x since I forgot his name. after that because the event where hijikata help her, she fall's in love with her. her strength points is to be able to like the things that his man likes. In her first date she say it;s okay even if the guys pee. in her date with hijikata she even show liking to hijikata specials. for this I guess I'm gonna put her in 19th

18.The owner of Recycle shop/pawn shop

she is the owner of the pawnshop where gintoki get fan, cursed bluray, kotatsu. she is also seems to be hunted by criminal oeganization that want to get money making machine,that was created by his father.


owner of ramen shop that often help katsura. she accidently help katsura hiding.Saved by katsura when she almost getting sold by her brother i law, from her late husband. she seems to develop a little sparks of relationship with katsura. now in some episodes katsura often come and eat at her place.

16.kijima matako
groupies of shinsuke that got undying devotion to him. she is also an important  member of kihetai that specialize in gun also seems to be arch enemy with kagura. regardless her feelings towards shinsuke has became her main point for putting her in this list

15.Kujaku hime Kada
one of the four devas from kabuki cho kujaku hime kada the peacock.
she is smart cunning fox alike woman that runs a casino and originally come from outer space. despite her age that I assume quite old she is still hot, we can says she is cougar in gintama.


reliable assistant  of sakamoto tatsuma and second in command mutsu. despite of tatsuma stupidity she always cover for that and lead the kaientai, as far as upgrading their ships in to giant mecha. in one of the episode when gintoki and the others stranded in unknown planet she also helps them.

13.Mahha Noriko
wind tribe alien that said has to keep feeling wind in order to stay alive. her first meeting with gintoki was when their bike/scooter crash. gintoki started helping her job as delivery, which is lead to another stupid delivery end up with both of them explode in the sky and making gintoki hair afro for few scenes. 

12.Chin Pirako
daughter of jirocho that quite sadist but deep down she is only a little girl that missin her father affection. she show up in four devas arc and make quite good combination with kagura as gangster that try to extort people and making gintoki into deathvader. with hidden agenda to take down yorozuya.


ketsuno ana most reliable shikigami , devil type but some how seems to be very loyal to ketsuno ana. she often said cuel things and tricks people but deepdown she is always care for others.

source picture: gintama.wikia.com

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